Children are invariably the innocent victims when their parents find it necessary to end a marriage. When divorce happens, the family home that the children have known and been raised in is turned upside down forever. Whether they are going to live with Mom or Dad is a question that haunts most children of divorcing couples, and a great deal of sensitivity is needed to ensure that they do not feel like they are simply pawns in their parents’ battle.
Psychologists have shown that children often perceive a broken home as being “their fault” somehow. This has to be carefully avoided, as no caring parent would want a child carrying around that kind of emotional burden. It is imperative that the custody of the children is carefully thought through, negotiated and planned when divorce becomes an inevitability for a couple.
Theodore H. Enfield, a highly respected and experienced Miami Dade lawyer, with over 29 years of experience in Miami family law, announces the availability of expert and sensitive guidance on child custody. Every family is unique and every family’s problems need to be treated with the greatest sensitivity and respect. As a leading child custody lawyer in Miami, Theodore H. Enfield understands the exact nature of what couples go through when they are considering ending their marriage and breaking up their family home. He is able to give the best possible advice in such cases, and many couples, when faced with filing for legal separation in Florida, have turned to him to help them.
Divorce is not a light decision that people take; it is particularly distressing for all who are involved, which includes the separating couple, their children, and often their respective extended families. Even when a couple feels that they are going to be particularly friendly over their separation, there are often unforeseen hurdles that can cause bad feelings and difficulties to occur. As an expert and highly respected divorce lawyer Miami, Theodore H. Enfield is dedicated to ensuring that the painful process of divorcing and, in particular, of negotiating the custody of the children, goes as smoothly as possible. Although all legal proceedings take time to resolve, it is important that the divorce and custody case is finalized as quickly as possible. This is particularly important for the sake of the children, as they need to adjust and normalize as soon as possible. The goal in any separation is to protect the children from having too much disruption in their lives.