It is not at all easy to end a marriage. Filing for a divorce to end a long term relationship requires immense strength, patience and introspection. However, after a certain point in time, when a person finds it difficult to envisage a future with his partner, divorce is probably the only solution. When a person reaches that phase in his life, abruptly ending a marriage is not correct, as it would lead to several complications later on in life. Analyzing and evaluating all the aspects of life thus becomes important before any legal separation in Florida.
According to Theodore H. Enfield, P.A, a Matrimonial, Family and Divorce attorney in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, “Going unprepared for divorce will make your life worse. It is recommended to evaluate all the possible aspects of legal separation before making up the mind for divorce. There are several significant aspects that the couples can consider before considering a legal separation to protect their financial interests and family relationships.”
Theodore H. Enfield, a family lawyer in Miami, with more that 30 years of experience working with couples on issues such as separation, divorce and child custody, offers certain divorce considerations for his clients before dissolving their marriage:
- Defining the objective: Individuals can make a list of all that they intend to achieve from their divorce. This includes their financial goals as well as what they would need for their children.
Having thorough financial information: Individuals planning to seek legal separation should be informed about their bank statements, insurance policies, benefit programs, tax returns and other important financial information. - Opening a personal bank account: Such individuals should open a bank account only in their name and at a bank that has no relation with their spouse.
- Keeping the valuable documents safely: People seeking legal separation should ensure that your valuable documents are in the safe place.
- No signing without consulting: Individuals should not sign any document, contracts, loans or mortgages without consulting an attorney.
- Keeping the communication open: Individuals should ensure to keep the lines of communication open with their spouse. Negotiating the divorce settlement personally with the spouse will eliminate the need for going to the court.
- File for divorce only when marriage is irreparable: Legal separation in Florida is possible only when the Florida Court will find the marriage to be totally irreversible. No Broward county or Miami Dade lawyer will be able to grant a divorce unless the court is convinced about no future left in marriage.