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Firm News

Marriage Insurance Can be Made Simple

Traditionally, there has always been a slight stigma attached to the concept of prenuptial agreements. At face value they seem rather unromantic and almost like a way of tempting fate. If a couple are so in love that they are prepared to take vows promising to spend the rest of their lives together, why would […]

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Considerations When Retaining a Divorce Attorney for Men

Divorce has same effect on men as it has on women, whether it is dealing with the emotional trauma of finishing a relationship that wan meant to last forever or having a will to have a fair judgment for the equal distribution of the financial liabilities, home or getting the custody of the child. Choice of […]

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Consultation With an Experienced Divorce Lawyer

With 50% of marriages ending in divorce and the divorce rate for subsequent marriages thought to be even higher, the need for good advice when facing a separation is greater than ever. Marriage is not something people generally go into expecting it to come to an end, but sadly this option is sometimes unavoidable. However, […]

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When the Honeymoon is Over – Consider Expert Mediation Services

People do not generally get married with divorce in the back of their minds. Although things usually start out blissfully, the challenges soon arise and the “honeymoon period” can’t last forever. All marriages face times of difficulty and couples turn to various for support in those difficult times. Some people have support groups through their […]

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Criminal Penalties

Criminal Penalty Case Summary In Anton v Anton 38 Fla. L. Weekly D230, the District Court of Appeal found the trial court erred in holding a husband in indirect criminal contempt where the court did not issue a show cause order, and neither notice of hearing on the wife’s contempt motion nor motion she filed placed husband […]

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Making Divorce As Positive As Possible

Divorce doesn’t have to be as depressing as it sounds. People often feel like they have failed when their marriage doesn’t work. But the truth is, there is no magic formula for guaranteeing a successful marriage. Couples can work hard and try different methods of communication, seek counseling, and even try temporary separation periods, but […]

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10 Tips to Help Your Divorce Go Smoothly

Going through divorce is emotionally painful for both men and women. The best one can do is to make this overall procedure smoother so that each individual can have a cordial relationship even when their marriage is over. Below mentioned are some do’s and Don’ts which one should follow so as to make their divorce […]

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Minimizing Time Spent in the Courtroom

When couples find themselves in the unhappy position of considering divorce, they often picture lengthy sessions in a courtroom, arguing over every aspect of their marriage. They imagine listening to lawyers expose all their personal details and a judge determining the fate of their family. The idea of this can be very distressing and can […]

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A Winning Strategy for Divorcing Couples

Theodore H. Enfield, a prominent child custody lawyer in Miami, announces some of his top winning tactics that can be adopted by couples to avail the custody of their child when divorce becomes inevitable. With vast experience as a divorce attorney in Miami, T. Enfield advises divorcing couples to avoid dragging their child custody case to […]

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Affordable Care Act May Benefit Divorced Couples

Though it might sound strange, divorce is becoming more and more of a financial decision rather than a relationship one—and some couples are considering it as an option because of the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.” The reason is that the subsidized insurance premiums will be lower for individuals rather than couples. Whether this was […]

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