Getting the answer for every question of a child and providing them with the proper life is one of the hardest tasks for both divorced couples. Both the custodial and non-custodial parent should consider the below mentioned advice which can guide them through their job. Advice for The Parent Who Is Having Child Custody: The […]
Don’t Face Your Legal Struggles Alone
Firm News
Children Need The Most Protection During Divorce
Children are invariably the innocent victims when their parents find it necessary to end a marriage. When divorce happens, the family home that the children have known and been raised in is turned upside down forever. Whether they are going to live with Mom or Dad is a question that haunts most children of divorcing […]
Complimentary Consultation with a Family Lawyer
In most cases, decisions to separate or file for divorce are fueled by emotion. When a marriage dissolves, in most cases, the law gets to decide the extent of financial obligation for both parties. If children are part of the equation, the percentage becomes even more complex. Each individual’s monthly income is reviewed in determining […]
Protecting Children When Sharing Their Care
Every family is different, and thus every divorce is different. No matter what the reasons for the divorce are, two individuals have their separate personalities and desires, and these can determine how easy or hard the whole divorce process will be. Some couples have an amicable approach because both parties feel the same way and […]
Protecting the Family during Divorce
Couples often think they are doing the right thing when they try to stay together for the sake of the children. They believe that the children would rather have both their parents living under the same roof than any other option. Research has shown that children simply want their parents to be happy, and if […]
Prenuptial Agreements Can Smooth Marriage Troubles
Theodore Enfield Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Miami knows sometimes, marriages don’t work out. For this reason, future married couples are often advised to form prenuptial, or premarital, agreements that fairly divide assets between the two people in the event of a divorce. Prenuptial agreements are well-known from the Renaissance era in Europe and earlier elsewhere. They are well-established in […]
Marriage Insurance Can be Made Simple
Traditionally, there has always been a slight stigma attached to the concept of prenuptial agreements. At face value they seem rather unromantic and almost like a way of tempting fate. If a couple are so in love that they are prepared to take vows promising to spend the rest of their lives together, why would […]
Considerations When Retaining a Divorce Attorney for Men
Divorce has same effect on men as it has on women, whether it is dealing with the emotional trauma of finishing a relationship that wan meant to last forever or having a will to have a fair judgment for the equal distribution of the financial liabilities, home or getting the custody of the child. Choice of […]
Consultation With an Experienced Divorce Lawyer
With 50% of marriages ending in divorce and the divorce rate for subsequent marriages thought to be even higher, the need for good advice when facing a separation is greater than ever. Marriage is not something people generally go into expecting it to come to an end, but sadly this option is sometimes unavoidable. However, […]
When the Honeymoon is Over – Consider Expert Mediation Services
People do not generally get married with divorce in the back of their minds. Although things usually start out blissfully, the challenges soon arise and the “honeymoon period” can’t last forever. All marriages face times of difficulty and couples turn to various for support in those difficult times. Some people have support groups through their […]